This day has finally come, the day when I would read the final book of Harry Potter. I had pre-ordered the book and picked it up in morning of Saturday. The book is as thick as the 6th book. The name itself makes one think of the detail adventure Harry will face throughout the book. Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows is the final book which I have finished reading today. I made it a point to go into total Internet and media isolation once I picked up the book from the bookstore. The condition was the same during the 6th book in 2005. When I tried reading the 5th book in college, people just kept blurting out the end which was really depressing. So my reading of the 6th and 7th book have been satisfactory.
J.K.Rowling should be given amazing credit to finish this book under so much pressure and still bring a very satisfactory ending. While reading this book one feels the change happening from moment to moment. For example, while reading the book in the night just before sleeping, I got depressed with the story. But in the morning when I continued reading, the mood changed as the story took a change from one side to another. This keeps happening throughout the book. Also I am really amazed at the feeling one gets when waiting for a book over a long period of time.
This I will let people know that I am a cartoon and Anime fan, also I watch a lot of movies but apart from all that I do love reading books (ofcourse not the course materials) like novels and stories. People should learn to keep a balance in things, it is necessary for all. Books let people work on their imagination. One should ask the Harry Potter fans who read the first and second book before the movies had released. Anyways this book has brought a fitting end to this whole series.